Joint Operations and Delta Force - Global Lobby Information

Joint Operations and Delta Force - Image Builder

Copy and Paste this Image Tag into your Website:

Image Generated using this Image Tag:

Show my Image Now
Any donations to this spare time project appreciated.

The most basic graphic can be obtained by setting the "Region/Game" and "Server Pattern". All other fields are optional.

Server Pattern

These are some general formatting controls.

Font Colour Select Colour
Background Colour Select Colour
Frame     Inset pixels
Frame Colour Select Colour
Image Size: Width pixels,     Height pixels
Text Offset: Horizontal pixels,     Vertical pixels
Background Image
Field Display Groups (Sets)

Some sensible defaults are shown which suit the default image for Display Set setting "0 - horizontal".
If you wish to use this feature simply select "Enable" from the "Enable Player List".

Horizontal Location
Vertical Location
Font Size Font Colour Enable Player List
Select Colour

Player Pattern
Number Per Line
Line Height
Max Number of Players
Growth Pixels
Num Dummy Players
Fixed Width
Player List Sort Options
Showing Players From All Servers
Player Name Formatting
Player Name Formatting Samples

These settings provide control over which fields are shown where. If you have selected a "Field Display Group" then some of the required fields will already be displayed on the image. This allows you to override the "Field Display Groups" or add additional fields. For a field to be displayed on the image just must specify at least a "Horizontal Location", a "Vertical Location" and a "Field Name".

Field Number Horizontal Location
Vertical Location
Font Size Font Colour Field Name
0 Select Colour
1 Select Colour
2 Select Colour
3 Select Colour
4 Select Colour
5 Select Colour
6 Select Colour
7 Select Colour
8 Select Colour
9 Select Colour
10 Select Colour

These settings provide control over which icons are shown where. If you have selected a "Field Display Group" then some of the icons will already be displayed on the image. This allows you to override the "Field Display Groups" or add additional icons. For an icon to be displayed on the image just must specify at least a "Horizontal Location", a "Vertical Location" and an "Icon Name".

Icon Number Horizontal Location
Vertical Location
Icon Name

These settings allow you to show arbitray text on the image.
For the text to be displayed on the image just must specify at least a "Horizontal Location", a "Vertical Location" and some "Text".

Text Element Number Horizontal Location
Vertical Location
Font Size Font Colour Text
0 Select Colour
1 Select Colour
2 Select Colour
3 Select Colour
4 Select Colour
5 Select Colour
6 Select Colour
7 Select Colour
8 Select Colour
9 Select Colour

Clear All Options

Automatically show my image as the URL changes

View a list of colour names/samples.

Your option settings are automatically saved for 5 days.
Due to frequent grabbing of information during this image setup process, the server/player data shown on your sample image may not be current. This is only effective during the setup process on this web page. During the setup process the information could be up to 3600 secconds old.

Refer to the full How-to for detailed information about the image setup. There may be some minor amount more of control that you can gain over the image (but not much) by manually building the URL using the How-to as a reference guide.

If required, you can contact us.

Developed by bobthebuilder.